What Is Parawood? It’s Popular Than You Think
If you have ever visited a furniture shop before, you might have heard the name Parawood. Also known as Rubberwood, Parawood is popular in the furniture industry because it is highly durable. Although common, it’s not generally available in lumber yards in the US, so only a few people actually know it. You might even have it in your house, and you just don’t know. So, exactly what is parawood and is it quality wood?
What Is Parawood?
The Parawood actually has many names. It’s called Rubberwood, Plantation Hardwood, Para Rubbertree, Malaysian Oak, White Teak, and Hevea. It grows extensively in countries like Indonesia and Brazil, and in Central America. It’s also cultivated on rubber plantations in many parts of Asia.
Rubber Tree
The primary harvest from Parawood is a milky liquid known which is used in natural latex and rubber. The tree starts the production from 5 or 6 years old, but stop when the tree reaches 25 to 30 years old. When that time arrives, the tree is felled, and a new one is grown. This is what makes the tree environmentally friendly-- it can be harvested from a renewable resource.
The first information about the tree can be found in the journals related to Christopher Columbus’ trip to America. The natives were found playing with a ball made from the latex of the Parawood. In the 19th century, seeds of the wood were transported to England for germination. The seedlings were taken to the Malay Peninsula for planting. Now, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia make 70% of the worldwide number of rubber trees.
Characteristics of parawood?
The Parawood has a straight and long trunk. It can grow up to 75 feet tall and 3 feet wide. However, in a natural habitat, it can actually grow over 100 feet. Thus, the Parawood can produce a large number of lumber. However, it’s only harvested after its stops producing latex.
The tree has a light color, almost like pale yellow, which makes custom color possible. However, it tends to be dull and in need of polishing. It has open grains like that of mahogany, which you can control through kiln drying. It has more density than the Birch tree, but lesser than the Ash tree. Its strength group is 0.5, which is the same as that of the Maple tree.
The Parawood has very little shrinkage which makes it more stable and perfect for furniture making. However, it is highly perishable, too.
Its resistance to rot and decay is low. Thus, it’s not usually used for outdoor furniture as extreme weather conditions can lower its lifespan. Because it has high starch content, it’s vulnerable to fungal staining and insect attacks.
However, wood production factories usually apply a chemical treatment to the lumber to prevent these things from happening. If maintained properly, the Parawood can last up to more than 20 years after cutting.
Application Of Parawood? - Dinning Table
The first use of the Parawood is for latex it produces. However, since it stops the production at 30 years old, it becomes firewood and fuel. As experts discover its characteristics, it has become popular in furniture making.
Because of its dense grain and little shrinkage, the Parawood is used for stable construction woodworks like toys, furniture and house accessories. One can easily work with and staining it uniformly is not a problem. It's durable and allows strong cuts. And since it's a hardwood variety, it comes in different grades of quality.
The following are the varied applications of the wood:
- Furniture and cabinetry
- Flooring
- Laminated veneer lumber
- Packing cases
- Wood carvings
- Plywood
- Wooden shuttle block
- Flush doors
- Construction millwork
- Fiber boards
- Toys and children’s furniture
Parawood Furniture
One definitive aspect of parawood among these types of wood is that it is the most ecologically friendly in the furniture industry.
Rubberwood trees are the producers of latex which is used in any products with rubber. It can generate for 26 to 30 years. After that time period, its production becomes extremely low, so the lumber is cut down and used to make different items. Unlike other trees that are cut down only for its wood, parawood is chopped down when its yields become insignificant.
Parawood is ideal for furniture since its material is strong enough to endure people’s busy lifestyles. Softness, availability, and resistance to fire are other good points of this lumber as well.
When parawood furniture is sent abroad, it has to be altered to maintain a certain level and topped off with lacquer. In doing so, the furniture can be conserved.
It is not advisable to be used outdoors for it is weak against rot, decay, and insects. However, if it is inevitable, you better wrap or cover your furniture for outside use.
Keeping the furniture as dry and clean as possible is one of the ways to make this kind of furniture last long. If a liquid is spilt, wipe it off right away to avoid milky streaks. A milky appearance is caused by the contact of liquid to lacquer.
Do not leave it out long under the sunlight to prevent drying it out and bleaching. Since it has a cream color, you should wash it with soap or other cleaning solution at least once a year. Please remember not to use water only because it can damage the finish.
When there is a dent, you can put a towel and then a hot iron over it for a minute. The wood will rise and make the dent disappear.
We can make various types of home furniture with parawood, such as:
- Bedroom furniture: Rubberwood is ideal for making bedroom furniture. You can see many things made from rubberwood like dressers, nightstands, vanity cases, headboards, and footboards.
- Kitchen furniture: Parawood hardness is equivalent to maple and oak so that it can withstand the daily use. Barstools are often made out of it.
- Occasional tables: classy coffee tables, sofa tables, and end tables can be made from this wood. Occasional tables are also used in homes, especially in the common areas.
- Children’s furniture: Many children's furniture is made from this wood, such as bedroom sets, tables, chairs, toy accessories, rockers, and beds.
- Parawood flooring: The progress produced by parawood manufacturers spans flooring in black and gray to a large number of designs and colors in a mindboggling range. They moreover come with a slew of advantages:
Advantages And Disadvantages
Why Choose Parawood?
Why is Parawood in demand in the furniture industry? Why is not fit for the shipyard and outdoor use? Every wood has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s explore the characteristics of the Parawood a bit more.
Advantages of Parawood
Here are the advantages of using parawood at home and in other infrastructures:
Parawood lumber usually lasts 20 years or more, if taken care of properly. This is a testimony of its resilience and durability.
Low Maintenance
Taking care of the Rubberwood is not at all difficult. It’s often stain resistant.
The Parawood is soft, so it's comfortable to walk on, and it can lower the stress on your joints. It is for this reason that it’s often used as flooring in senior homes.
Fire Resistant
It doesn't burn even if the source is a cigarette butt. It is also not toxic and does not release fumes when there is fire.
Good Shock Absorber
It provides good cushioning which helps avoid injuries when someone falls. Thus, it’s often used as flooring in gyms.
Disadvantages of Parawood
Like other wood, the Parawood is not perfect. Here are its disadvantages:
Prone To Slippage
The wood is slippery when water has been spilled on it or if polished.
Because it’s usually exported from Asia, the wood can be more expensive than other wood types.
Not Water Resistant
The reason the Parawood is not fit for outdoor use is that it can’t withstand rain. It has seepage problems.
It Has A Dull Finish
This is why the wood is always polished. If you want to give a bright effect to a room, the Parawood is not the choice for you.
Prone To Infestation
High in sugar content, the wood is prone to insect infestation and fungus.
It Warps
Because it already has high moisture content, it can warp, bow, twist, and split easily.
Rubberwood vs. Other Woods
Rubberwood vs Oak
Let us start with oak. This type of wood has different varieties because it does not come from a single species. Two of its common types are white oak and red oak.
Parawood, in contrast, can only be obtained from a para rubber tree which is a tall tree native to the Amazon river basin.
White oak has a moderate to strong resistance from decay, but red oak has a low resistance from it.
Parawood requires chemical treatment to prevent damage. For the uses, oak can be used for making furniture, railroad ties, children’s toys, and industrial flooring.
Parawood is also used for furniture but not for outdoor furniture. Construction and paper companies utilize it as well.
Rubberwood vs Pine
Pine wood can be gathered from the major North American pine trees like white pine, sugar pine, and southern pine. This wood has different hues and rings.
Parawood has a light color a coarse texture.
The uses of pinewood vary for each kind. Because white pine is readily available and cost friendly, it is used to make furniture, cabinets, floors, and wall panels.
Sugar pine is used to interior and exterior construction, boat decks and outdoor furniture. Southern pine has almost similar usage with the latter type of pine.
Rubberwood vs MDF
MDF stands for Medium Density Fiberboard. It is a wood panel that has a harder material compared with plywood. Almost similarly used in production as parawood, you can make crafts from MDF.
Rubberwood vs Beech wood
Beech wood is a pale-colored and medium-to-hard wood. Thus, its shade is almost the same as parawood.
Strong resistance to shock is another similarity parawood and beech wood share. Parawood has good cushioning. Thus, it is used in gyms. However, beech wood can take staining well.
Rubberwood vs Maple
Maple wood is a kind of lumber which has different colors ranging from white to grayish brown. Having a light hue, this is one difference these two kinds of wood have.
Moreover, the usage of maple wood is more sports related. It is the choice of wood for bowling pins, bowling alley pins, and wooden baseball bats. It is also used as a material for making the limbs of a recurve bow.
FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions about Parawood
Is Rubberwood Toxic?
Rubberwood is non-toxic. It does not release noxious fumes when it is burned, so it can be used in a fireplace or kitchen.
Is Parawood Good Quality?
It is as hard as maple, cherry, and oak wood. In fact, it got a Janka hardness score of 980 newtons.
Because parawood is considered as a hardwood, it is durable. Therefore, it has high quality and little shrinkage. If you want a parawood house item or you need that limber, you should contact or visit your closest lumber yard.
Rubberwood must not be underestimated for being pliable. Like many other types of wood, products made from this needs attention and care also. In buying furniture like this, mother nature will surely be glad.
Where To Buy?
You can now readily buy parawood online. This is the most convenient way to obtain high-quality parawood and get it delivered right at your doorstep. There are also many sites online that can give you great discounts.
How to Work with Parawood?
You can’t work on two wood varieties the same way. There are specific things you must take note when working with the Parawood, which you might not be aware of when working with other kinds of wood.
Chemical Treatment
Since Rubberwood is prone to insect and fungal attacks, it has limited use in the past. Then in the 1980s, people have discovered a chemical treatment process that allows the wood to last longer.
As soon after sawing, the wood is treated by pressurized immersion in boron preservatives. Then, it undergoes kiln drying, which diffuses chemicals and controls the moisture content.
In cutting Rubberwood, back sawing is usually used. It allows faulty parts like those infested with fungus and insects to be cut around.
Moreover, it is used to cut the log where the rings are parallel with the face of the board. Since there is more strength in the direction of the growth rings, the useful parts of the Parawood are reaped.
You can go over the rough spots of the wood with a #120 sandpaper. Then, you can follow it up with a finer grade of #220 sandpaper. When sanding, you must follow the wood grain. When the wood is already smooth, use a lint-free cloth to remove the sanding dust.
Staining And Finishing
In staining parawood, follow the direction of the grain. You can test it on a small area first and see whether you like the result or not.
Allow 5 to 15 minutes to soak the stain into the wood. After which, wipe the extra liquid with a lint-free cloth. You can apply a second coating if you like.
When the stain has completely dried, apply a protective finish coating.
Helpful Tip When Painting And Staining
Adhesion is quite a problem with parawood. Thus, paint or stain will be rejected if it is applied. Do not worry for there is a solution.
You just need to coat it with primer and leave it to dry for around 2 hours.
After that, paint over the parawood the same way you did with the primer.
Remember not using a nylon paintbrush when smearing the primer and paint since doing so will leave brushstrokes. Use a roller instead.
Chalk paint from the name itself gives furniture a chalky appearance.
In the case of its use for parawood, some people said that it can actually work. Prime the wood first, put on the chalk paint and sand it. Polycrylic on top can be done, too.
In a nutshell, it is advisable to use primer and sandpaper for any coloring or staining.
Final Thoughts
The Parawood is highly used in furniture making for several reasons. It is durable, low-maintenance, soft, fire-resistant, and shock absorber. However, it is also prone to slippage, expensive, dull, prone to infestation, and can’t withstand water. In order to minimize the disadvantages of the wood, you must follow proper procedure when working with it.
If you have more questions about Parawood and how to work with and maintain it, leave a comment below. We’ll respond to your inquiries as soon as we can.
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